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Summit Gear
Like all great Aussie businesses, Summit Gear grew out of a need, not a marketing department think tank. Back in the eighties, Dave and Trish Murphy were running a little outdoor gear shop called the Katoomba Outdoor Centre right in the heart of the Blue Mountains. They noticed that a lot of the European or American stock they were ordering in to sell on wasn’t really up to the job for the harsh hiking conditions of the Blue Mountains, so they started making their own rucksacks. It was hard graft at first -- they’d cut the pattern out on the shop floor and sew it up when the shop was quiet. Back in those days, it took a whole week to make one rucksack.
Word spread fast though. The Murphys were in the perfect position to create a great product because they were interacting with their users on a daily basis, talking to them about their needs and their dislikes and finding out what was missing in the different packs available. They quickly found out what worked and what didn’t and they refined their patterns down to the elegant minimal designs they use today.
These days the business has expanded to include corporate, government and industrial sales and now Summit Gear supplies ambos and firefighters and wildlife services all across Australia. Fortunately for us here at Everything Australian, they still make the perfect Aussie rucksacks and we’re proud to have them in store.
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